
Friday, May 4, 2018

Letter of Appointment

Letter of Appointment

Name ______________________
Address ___________________________________________________________

Dear ______________________
Subject: Letter of Appointment for post of __________________________

With reference to the interview you had with us, we are pleases to offer you the position of ______________________________ at our hospital W.E.F. __/ __ / ______ on the follo  wing terms and conditions:

1.      Position: ______________________
2.      Remuneration / Compensation: ______________________
3.      Location: 
4.      Probation Period: Three Month
5.      Notice Period: One Month
6.      You shall have the right to start your functional job from the commencement day of your duty.
7.      If the hospital or you decide to discontinue employment within the probationary period, you or hospital will be entitled to a notice of 10 days. After completing the probation period 1 year contract will be starts and you entitled for other benefits & services as per Hospital norms & policies.
8.      You are entitled for leave as per leave policy.
9.      In case of any dispute/ clash of interest/ difference in opinion among employees of same specialty or different specialty: the decision of Managing Director will be final and acceptable.
10.  You shall not divulge to anyone except in rightful discharge of your duties, particulars or details pertaining to hospital’s business, its process, administrative and / or organization matters of a confidential and secretive nature, which may become known to you by virtue of your employment.
11.  You will abide by the rules and regulation of the hospital.
12.  Kindly sign the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your acceptance and return the same to us.

Managing Director                                                    Employee