
Friday, May 4, 2018

Offer Letter

Offer Letter

Subject: Offer Letter for Employment

Dear ___________________________  

Following our recent discussions, we are delighted to offer you the position of ____________________________ in _________________________. If you join Our Organization, you will become part of a fast-paced and dedicated team that works together to provide our clients with the highest possible level of service and advice.

As a member of Our Organization team, we would ask for your commitment to deliver outstanding quality and results that exceed client expectations. In addition, we expect your personal accountability in all the products, actions, advice and results that you provide as a representative of Our Organization. In return, we are committed to providing you with every opportunity to learn grow and stretch to the highest level of your ability and potential.

We are confident you will find this new opportunity both challenging and rewarding. The following points outline the terms and conditions we are proposing.

Designation: ______________________________
Start date: __/ __/ ____________
Salary: Rs. ________________/- (Rupees _______________________________________per Month)
Hours of work: As per current industry norms OR ________________________________
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you in an atmosphere that is successful and mutually challenging and rewarding.



With the signature below, I accept this offer for employment.

________________________                        _______________________                          _____________________
       Name                                                     Signature                                                                       Date