
Friday, September 7, 2018

Decontamination procedures for equipment

Decontamination procedures for equipment

Standard Procedure
Clean with detergent and water; dried and sterilized.

Beds  and couches Frame
Should be cleaned with detergent and water between patients and as required.
If contaminated with body fluids, see spillage policy. If used in isolation room - after cleaning, should be wiped with a disinfectant
Mattresses  and pillows
Should be cleaned with detergent and water between patients and as required.
If contaminated with body fluids, the blood spills policy should be implemented. Should not be used if cover is damaged. Contaminated pillows must be discarded. Torn mattress covers must be replaced before mattress is re -used.
Should be changed as part of a rolling programme by domestic services.
Should be changed as part of terminal clean.
 A damp mop with detergent and water should be used.
For blood splashes blood spillage policy should be followed.
Should be damp dusted with detergent and water

Re-usable to be cleaned daily
Mops must not be stored wet or cleaned in disinfectant solution.
Soap dispensers
Should be use disposable soap dispenser which are thrown after used.

Should be cleaned with detergent.

 Should be wiped with Sterilium

To be wiped with sterilium.

To be covered with disposable sleeve before use and stored dry in individual holder. In between patients, should be cleaned and wiped with 70% isopropyl alcohol (swab). If disposable sleeve not used, in between patients, should be washed in general purpose detergent and lukewarm water then wiped with 70% alcohol (swab). To be stored in individual holder inverted.

Toilet seats
To be cleaned daily with detergent

Trolleys (Dressing)
To be cleaned daily with detergent and water. After each use should be wiped with 70% isopropyl alcohol

Should be cleaned with detergent and water as part of planned preventative maintenance programme