
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

SOP of Periodic Check Of Autoclaves

SOP of Periodic Check Of Autoclaves

Periodical check of the autoclave
        It is to be carried out on weekly basis.
        Biological indicator for steam autoclave is used for the same which is kept with the load. At the end of the sterilisation process, the vial is sent to the microbiology department for necessary testing.
   The perfect working condition of the autoclave will be confirmed if the indicator after incubation does not change its colour.
Replacement of the bio-x Filter
The filter of the sterile air emitted into the autoclave chamber to be replaced once or year as per manufacture’s instructions.

Cleanings of the sterilizing chamber 
        Disconnect the power and ensure that the chamber is cold.
        Rinse thoroughly with water using a soft cloth soaked in water.
        Then dry carefully and thoroughly taking care not to damage the protective layer.
Cleanings of the front panel
          Disconnect  the power.
          Use a soft cloth damped with alcohol to clean the front panel.

Cleaning and Emptying the load tank .
The load tank to be emtied and cleaned at least once in a year.

Emptying of the discharge tank
        Insert the end of the tube into the water discharge tap, while the other end opens into a container to receive the discharged water.
        Open the tap fully to the discharge.