Respiratory Isolation Category
- Infectious diseases
involving respiratory tract with transmission through the airborne route
come in this category. The spread of infection is usually through droplets
resulting from cough or sneeze .contact with respiratory secretions either
by hand or fomites is another important mode of transmission.
- Diseases requiring
respiratory category isolation and admission in the isolation ward
- H.influenzae
respiratory disease
- Measles
- Meningococcal meningitis
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Masks are indicated for
those who come close to the patient
- Gowns are not indicated
- Gloves are not indicated
- Hands must be washed after
touching the patient or potentially contaminated articles and before
taking care of next patient.
- Articles contaminated with
infective material must be discarded or bagged and labelled before being
sent for decontamination and reprocessing.