SOP of Dental Procedure In
Desired out come
carrying out of the planned procedure with minimal patient discomfort / trauma.
Response of the patient & doctor.
Inspection of the room
No of times the assistant must live the room to
obtain supplies or instrument.
Setting up of the trey
● Mouth mirror
Oral surgical pack
Extra gauze and cotton rolls
Topical anesthesia
Lignocaine with and without adrenaline
Syringes with needle (appropriate size)
Elevators and dental instruments & materials
as per requirement of the dentist.
Patient drape
Surgical gloves
Needle & suture
The patient to be greeted warmly and
professionally and made to sit on the dental chair.
The patient to be draped by the dental assistant.
Appropriate personal protective equipment to be
put on by the staff.
Reassess and review the scheduled treatment plan
and health history from the patient and make any necessary change to the
treatment plan.
Arrange the dental chair to the appropriate
position as per the required procedure.
● Apply topical anesthesia to the proposed surgical
site followed by the appropriate injectable anesthesia (Lignocaine 2% with or
without adrenaline as per the requirement) when required.
Once the expected anesthesia effect has been
obtained, carry out the procedure.
Use the saliva ejector as and when required.
If it is a tooth extraction or surgical
procedure, follow post extraction / post surgical instruction.
Once the procedure is over clearly communicate
the post-operative instructions to the patient, give him the prescription and
guide him to the reception.
Clearly communicate about the follow-up visits
both to the patient and the receptionist.
Complete the necessary documentation in the
patient’s file before and after the procedure as per hospital guideline.
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