
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Spill Management


Spill Management

Wear gloves and wipe the spill with gauge which is discarded in the yellow bag. Now cover the area with 1%  freshly prepared sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes. Then mop dry. A second decontamination may be done if required. Wash the area with detergent and water. Gloves must be worn during cleanup and decontamination procedures.





·       Wipe up spot immediately with a damp cloth, tissue or paper towel.  An alcohol wipe may also be used.

·       Discard contaminated materials. 

·       Wash hands




(Up to 30ml )

·       Collect cleaning materials and equipment. 

·       Wear disposable cleaning gloves and other personnel protective equipments.

·       Put the absorbent paper on spill. Put the freshly prepared 1%  sodium hypochlorite

·       Wipe up spill after 10-15 minutes with absorbent material (e.g. paper hand towel).  Place contaminated absorbent material into yellow bag for disposal.  Clean the area with water and detergent using a disposal cleaning cloth or sponge.

·       Where contact with the bare skin is likely disinfect the area by wiping with sodium hypochlorite 10000ppm (1%) available chlorine or other suitable disinfectant solution) and allow to dry.

·       Discard contaminated materials (absorbent toweling, cleaning cloths, disposable gloves and plastic apron) to yellow bag

·       Wash hands

·       Reusable eye-wear should be cleaned and disinfected before use






(> than 30ml of fluid)





·       Collect cleaning materials and equipment. 

·       Wear disposable cleaning gloves, eye wear and plastic apron should be worn if there is a likelihood of splashing occurring. 

·       Cover area of the spill with paper towel, blotting paper, newspaper.

·       Cover area of the spill with granular chlorine releasing agent or similar product in which 10000ppm available chlorine) (1%) and leave for 3-10 minutes depending on formulation labeling and instructions.

·       Use disposable scrapper (e.g. cardboard) scraper to scope up granular disinfectant. 

·       Discard contaminated materials (absorbent toweling, cleaning cloths, disposable gloves and plastic apron) in infectious waste bag which should be incinerated.

·       Wipe area with absorbent paper toweling to remove any remaining blood.  Wash hands

·       Use clinic cleaning materials to mop area with warm water and detergent.  Where contact with the bare skin is likely disinfect the area by wiping with sodium hypochlorite 10000ppm available chlorine (or other suitable disinfectant solution) and allow to dry.

·       Clean and disinfect bucket and mop, dry and store appropriately

·       Reusable eye-wear should be cleaned and disinfected before use

·       Wash hands


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